Evolution of military and political pattern in North China before the northern expedition: 1924-1926. 北伐前夕北方军政格局的演变:19241926年。
Hsieh Ping-Ying legend's life begins from her school of Central Military and Politics and then she involved in the Northern Expedition. 谢冰莹传奇的一生从她考入中央军事政治学校女生队开始,随即她参与北伐;
Sun Yat-sen in Guangzhou in1917, law-enforcement organizations, the military government, was elected generalissimo naval and ground forces, pledging the Northern Expedition. 1917年孙中山在广州组织护法军政府,当选为海陆军大元帅,誓师北伐。
It necessarily makes the military operations of the Red Army different in many ways from those of wars in general and from those of the civil war in the Soviet Union or of the Northern Expedition. 这个特点,使红军的作战不能不和一般战争以及苏联内战、北伐战争都有许多的不同。
2041 guided by inanna, amar-sin forms a coalition of kings of the east, launches military expedition to Canaan and the sinai. 2041年,在伊娜娜的指引下,阿玛辛形成了一个东方的联合王国,向迦南和西奈山发动军事远征。
In terms of the relation between occupying the military points at the confrontation between the North and the South dynasties and the security of the land south of the Yangtze River, this expedition had both the aims of strategic defence and offensive. 就南北对峙军事要地与江左国土安全关系论,太建北伐是内含战略防御与战略进攻的双重底蕴的。
On Style Characteristics of Military Expedition Poems in Shi Jing 论《诗经》征戍诗的风格特征
At the same time, it also expose the cruel Fascist rules and the rank smell of blood military encircles with the punitive expedition of the Japanese invaders by the conclusive historical evidence. 同时,也以确凿的史实揭露了日本侵略者对吉林抗日武装和抗日民众实施的残暴的法西斯统治和血腥的军事围剿和讨伐。
Li Dazhao's Military Activities in the Northern Expedition War 李大钊在北伐战争中的军运活动
The military banknote of Northern Expedition 北伐军用钞票
With the military he swallowed into shares of the Han, the troops on the Northern Expedition, both riding the battlefield, but also about North Korea Bureau. 他凭借这股军事力量吞灭成汉,挥师北伐,既驰骋战场,又左右朝局。